Is my widely anticipated* second newsletter. I think the form suits me because I am a writer with a lot of feelings who is also online more than I care to admit. There’s something romantic about it: like a column (vintage), but make it digital? Also, it’s nice to get an email that you’re (hopefully) looking forward to seeing in your inbox every now and then. You can check out my old newsletter here. I also used to record it as a podcast (audiobook vibes) which you can listen to here.
*source not confirmed
I’m David Atkinson, a writer, and legendary executive assistant. I’m from Glasgow originally but I live in London now. Despite now being 31 years old, I shockingly have not yet achieved my childhood dream of becoming an international sensation. That being said, thanks to my job (see above) I do often email people in Los Angeles, California. That’s something I guess!
I’m @adavetoremember on Instagram. An iconic name, I know. Shout out to one of my friends from my teen years who coined it after I wouldn’t stop drunkenly singing songs by A Day To Remember (an emo band popular at the time) outside of the ABC in Glasgow. Honestly, it was a moment in time! The girls who get it, get it. What’s great is that it still works, even if you don’t get it.
What should one expect from this newsletter?
Finally! The question on everyone’s lips!
Semi regular dispatches of personal essays, occasional interviews with cool, interesting people, pop culture recommendations and deep dives.
If you want to get in touch you can reply to the emails, or reach me at
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